Monday, August 27, 2007

Funny Kid Stories

The other day my 10yo son complained of dry itchy skin on his legs. I told him to get some lotion from the medicine cabinet and apply it a few times per day. I thought no more of it.

A few days later I noticed that his legs looked awful! It looked as if the skin was peeling off in big chunks! I felt so badly that I had not followed up on checking on his legs.

After further examination and questioning, it turns out that instead of lotion he had applied an alpha hydroxy facial mask. The kind that goes on gooey and then dries to a film to be peeled off. He had several applications worth which needed to be removed. His legs look great now. :>) Maybe next time he will read the label.

Today my 2 yo daughter called to me "Help! I'm stuck in my panties!" Now that is not something you hear everyday! She had put both legs into the same leg hole and pulled them up tight. She couldn't move her legs or get them pulled back down. It was a funny sight!

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