Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Small Rant


Why, why, WHY do so many people feel the need to invite my children to Bible school at their churches? And especially, why do people ask me about it in FRONT OF my children.....including mentioning the pizza party or clowns or whatever "draw" they have so that my children will want to go and I will look like the bad guy for saying no?

ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Several invites already and it is only the beginning of June.

My 6yo is going to Bible school at my parent's church in a couple weeks. I'm fine with that because she loves stuff like that and she will be in my mom's class.

That is IT though! I'm not sending my kids to a strange church for Bible school---I will take care of their spiritual training at home, thank you very much (not that there is a lot of spiritual training going on at most Bible schools). And we are BUSY already....I'm not looking for anywhere else to send my kids this summer.


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