Monday, October 22, 2007

Random updates

We started 24 eggs in the incubator Friday. Hopefully we will have some chicks in a few weeks! The eggs are from Buff Orpingtons, Black Orpingtons, and also some Partridge Wyandotte bantams. We have one hen in with our Blue Orpington rooster but she doesn't seem to be laying right now.

The does joined the buck in his pen on the 15th. If all goes well we will have some kids in March! The children are very excited.

Still waiting on documents for our foster care license. Everything else is completed. The licensing worker says we are "a click away" from getting our license as soon as the documents are turned in to her. I am frustrated by the delay. However, it is very likely we will get kids within a few days of getting our license so I just keep telling myself that the kids God intends to place with our family are not ready yet. His timing is always perfect. It is also an odd feeling to be excited about having children placed with us....but at the same time realizing that in order for children to land in our home that will mean their own family is going through the trauma of being split up. Very very sobering thought.

Tomorrow is my follow up appointment with my rheumatologist. We will be going over the labwork (12 vials of blood, $2330!) that I had done in September. This is to see if there is a cause for my recurring miscarriages. I hope we find some answers but I realize we may not.

I have been doing really well since the miscarriage but the last few days have been rough. Since July I have filled up my days with getting the foster care stuff underway. Now that that is at a standstill I have more time to think again. Thinking isn't good when you are grieving. I also have a friend due around the same time I was. Every time she mentions a pregnancy milestone it is a painful reminder to me of where I 'should' be. I am happy for her and I love to hear her updates but they do sting sometimes.

I'll leave you with some recent kid funnies:

My 5yo calls Miracle Whip "American Whoop"

Lyrics from my 2yo Stinker, Stinker, Little Star
How I wonder, where's your car?


I told my 2yo that I loved her. She grinned and replied, "You sure do!" Got to love that confidence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great updates and I'm praying for you!
Blessings, Dawn