Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Today we had a playdate at the home of another homeschool family. I enjoyed talking with my friend. She is also a foster mom so of course I asked her tons of questions. :) We are hoping to have our license in order so that we can take placements in the next couple of months. My children had a good time playing with their friends as well.

This evening we read aloud 2 more chapters from Socks . Then I listened to my 5yo read 3 stories out of her Dick and Jane reader. She is becoming a fluent reader. I love to listen to her.

Right now the three kids are watching Andy Griffith. My 2yo is sitting in a laundry hamper while she watches. She tells me it is a boat. :>)

My husband is still out of town. We all miss him. For a treat I let the kids pick out an easy supper at the grocery. They selected a frozen pizza and tater tots. It was funny to hear them excitedly talking about the 'feast' that we were going to have. Frozen pizza and tater tots are not what I would consider a feast but I'm glad they were happy. We rarely have things like that, expecially since we began our diet makeover, so I guess they are a novelty. I'm looking forward to my husband being home again in a few days. Our routine seems 'off' when he is gone.

Have a great evening!

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